Let’s talk about: our orientation

The United Nations has established 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to support sustainability worldwide at an economic, social and environmental level. Our analyses show that our business activities contribute towards seven of these SDGs and 15 of the associated targets. We make a considerable positive contribution in these areas.


Our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals

SDG 4 | Quality education

We are tackling the challenges associated with the digital transformation, increasing technologisation and demographic change by providing high-quality vocational and further training.

We ensure equal opportunities within our workforce by offering all employees the same opportunities to access high-quality vocational and further training.

We encourage and train our employees to fill leadership positions and help our young performers in particular to develop in this connection.

SDG 5 | Gender equality

We constantly promote equality and equal opportunities for women and men within our workforce.

We encourage our female staff in particular and actively support them in taking on managerial roles at our company.

We are not just dedicated to promoting gender equality: we have also set corresponding targets and embedded structures within our organisation

SDG 7 | Affordable
and clean energy

Our thermal treatment of waste generates energy which substitutes fossil fuels and helps to ensure a supply of affordable and more sustainable energy.

We use the energy released by waste combustion to generate electricity, heat and process steam so that we can provide industry and households with energy from renewable sources.

We regularly calculate energy usage at our sites so that we can identify energy savings potential and improve the energy efficiency of our internal operations.

SDG 9 | Industry, innovation
and infrastructure

With innovative solutions, we contribute to environmentally sound waste management and supply climate-friendly energy.

We constantly optimise our internal processes and plant operations and invest in developing sustainable services and environmentally friendly technologies.

As part of our innovation management process, we continuously press ahead with our technological research and work with our partners to develop innovative solutions for our sector

SDG 11 | Sustainable cities and communities

We offer local authorities and industrial companies reliable waste management and energy supply security.

By treating waste inputs to a reliable standard of quality in accordance with all the relevant regulations, we reduce emissions which can harm both the environment and health. In doing so, we contribute towards a high quality of life in cities and communities.

SDG 12 | Responsible consumption and production

We play a key role in a sustainable circular economy with our thermal waste recovery.

By producing energy from waste, we help to make sustainable and efficient use of natural resources. 

We treat waste inputs with the greatest care at our modern plants. By doing so, we ensure that our emissions do not have any negative effects on human health or the environment. 

We produce energy from waste which is not suitable for hight-quality recycling. We are conducting research into solutions on both the input and output side which enable us to close other loops and regain raw materials. 

We ensure transparency for our stakeholders by engaging in dialogue with them an a regular basis and publishing sustainability information periodically. 

SDG 13 | Climate action

We want to achieve climate-neutral operations by 2030 and climate-positive plant operations by 2040.

We have set ourselves the goal of operating in a climate-neutral fashion by 2030. To achieve this, we will develop and implement a climate road map in conjunction with our stakeholders. 

We raise our employees' awareness of climate protection so that we can achieve more togehter. We constantly expand our institutional capacitties and capabilities for dealing with climate change and its consequences. 

All 17 UN goals are listed here:

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